Why do so many people support Jair Bolsonaro?
작성자 : 임두빈 작성일 : 2020-12-30 13:55:43 조회수 : 925
원문링크 : https://www.quora.com/Why-do-so-many-people-support-Jair-Bolsonaro

Brazilians (in a general way) do not take politics seriously. They go vote as if they would go to a fun fair. They do not really care for the future of the country because there is no much hope that things will ever go better.

Bolsonaro basically says what desperate people want to hear. It doesn’t matter if what he says is totally stupid and if the consequences of his “solutions” would result in chaos. People want vengeance.

They are tired of the rampant crime when very little is dne by the law to protect the people (either because our police is corrupt too, either because the laws are too lenient on crime). Bolsonaro’s “solutions” is to give the police license to kill whoever they want, without judgement and without answering to anyone, and let everyone (even the mentally unstable) own guns. It doesn’t matter if the person who defends this stupid “solution” is going to be the next one to be killed. He doesn’t even consider this possibility. if he does, he dismisses it “because there is no reason the police would ever kill him, as he never did anything wrong”. He doesn’t care if someone shoots him and kills him in a neighbor’s fight because “no one wants to shoot smeone who might have a gun too”. He’s desperate. He only cares for the here and now. It can’t go worse, after all.

Also, around 80% of Brazilians are semi-literate, or even functionally illiterate, wich means that they can read a text, but cannot interpret what it says. Most Brazilians have never read a book in their whole lives besides schoolbooks, and if they did read one, it was the Bible. So they are almost completely ignorant about what happens in the world.

When Bolsonaro says “refugees are the scum of the earth”, they believe so, because all they know about Syria is that they are Muslims, and to them Muslims are those crazy people with guns that appear on the news. They believe Haiti is an African country because Haitians are black, and they have heard somewhere that Africa has epidemics of ebola and HIV.

When he says “minorities have no rights, the only right minorities have is to curve to the majority” they agree, because to them it’s “democracy, the rule of the majority” (not knowing how democracy really works) and whatever else is “totalitarianism”.

When he says “homossexuality is caused by lack of spankings” they agree, because they were educated this way and “turned out real men, thanks to that”.

They can’t think much beyond what they are told and they were educated in an authoritarian manner (wich is traditional) and believe all problems are caused by the lack of an authoritarian leader.

These people are not open to reasoning. They migh even become aggressive when someone try to present them with facts, such is their belief in athoritarianism and not questioning what their leader says.



Because, as much as it hurts me to say it, he is charismatic. So he appeals to a certain portion of the extreme right, conservatives, military and so on. And these folks are growing in number.

In any given modern society, there will always be people located in the continuum of political ideology, ranging from Extreme Left to Extreme Right, and everything in between.

Bolsonaro is a clown. That can’t be stressed enough. But so is Donald Trump and look where he is now.

Brazil is not exactly following the global trend towards conversvatism, well, it is, but hardly for the same reasons. We don’t have a problem with immigration here, like the US and Europe do. So, the rise in conversavatism in those regions can be partly explained by this.

In Brazil, well, it is a little more complicated. In any case, conversatism is on the rise here, there is no doubt about it. Partly because of the growing influence of the church in government, partly because of the current political climate, in which the polarity is very strong - all of this drives people toward the extremes.

And Bolsonaro, well, he has his opinions (on human rights, abortion, gay marriage, etc) which are very much aligned with the growing numbers of hardcore conversatives (and even some fucktards numbskulls who are, like him, in favor of a Military Intervention): he speaks his mind (gotta give him some credit), he shows no fear, and he doesn’t sound like a politican, because, well, he isn’t. As a congressman he’s mostly useless. In his 25 years serving the lower house he passed one, yes, one ammendment. But people who are his fans don’t really care about this. They care about him, the bullshit he says, and all the show he puts on in front of the cameras.


There are many reasons.

First of all the left insists in disrespecting traditional values, Christianity and so on in order to push their agenda - people simply got tired of it. Speaking of disrespect, the people decided they didn’t wan’t to be disarmed in a Referendum in 2005, what the left did? Disrespected it, yet another reason why Bolsonaro is so popular.
Bolsonaro, since day one, promised to reduce tax and burocracy, something long awaited by the Brazilian people tired of the leftists who insist in creating even more taxes to solve to ginormous debt Brazil has acquired. A regular person these days works about 3 months just to pay taxes in Brazil and they better not expect getting a whole lot in return - people realized taxes slow down the economy and generate massive unemployment. Any business involving the State is slow, tedious and expensive - another thing people are sick of and that Bolsonaro promised to change.
Yes, Bolsonaro is charismatic and speaks his mind but the constant attacks he suffered also seemed to make people side with him as well - the opposition literally gave him advertising with their attacks.
The one that sums it up pretty well is the need for change. The “worker’s party” stayed in charge for more than a decade, they insisted on the same old things that didn’t work, what did they expect? Brazil was in need of hope and Bolsonaro personified it - too bad many people forgot about the Congress.
Do I think Bolsonaro is perfect? No, but he’s brought some change to the table and anyone who knows anything about politics in Brazil will tell you this is pretty much impossible to achive.


Although I agree with the reasons said by others, I would like to point out something much problematic with Brazilian politics and its followers;

Most of the time, Brazilians do not seem to care about the country itself but rather their own agendas. Brazil has an untold war of social classes; we actually talk about it, but we do not give the right proportion to it.
People from an specific social background will generally think everything bad in their lives is solely the fault of the other classes.

In other words, people supporting Bolsonaro, are the ones who think the other classes have destroyed the other country, the same as the ones who support Dilma or Lula, they also think the other classes destroyed Brazil. That is the big game made by Brazilian politicians, making the population fight each other, diverging attention to the politicians wrongdoings.



Brazil still have have some lack of education and sense of society as an organization, and has bit a cultural retardation and certain aspects.
A big part of population is already used to levels of violence that always was normalized, from the slavery times to extreme-right and military dictatorships in latin america, to the actual days where dead squads and militias have many supporters like the Bolsonaro himself. Things that could make a european horrified and creeped out are absolutely ok to some Brazilians, in other side social values are surprisingly misunderstood and sometimes subverted by brazilians.
The dominant thinking is as seen in favor of leaderships like they have know. Populism is in brazil a movement organized by social-networks groups using hate and blaming the other, fakes news, and promising the wrong kind of violence to the wrong type problems.
Bolsonaro just used this groups, the hate to party that own all elections last 15 years, and the effort to the media and higher social classes to turn to a right wing party. Many in the political, military, judicial, media e business areas started to act and join forces and ensure a change in the government. This end-up in some tolerance to the Bolsonaro personality and a belief that he has the only chance, a viable candidate instead of unacceptable representation of country. Unfortunately they will as they were for many decades wasting time, denying everything, denying their mistakes, and accepting and speeding violent stupid ideas to solve no problems, that why they are represented by this kind of person.



In a condition where things cannot get any worse, the people of Brazil will try to get out of the situation whatever it takes.

Dilma Rouseff has brought Brazil to rock bottom in terms of economics, government accountability, and democracy. She inherited an economic boom and due to the excessive red tapes she enacted on Brazil’s businesses the economic boom slowly turned into recession until a point where it can no longer recover.

Jair Bolsonaro might not be a good candidate. However there is one priority that Brazillians want, which is change. Fernando Haddad which is Jair Bolsonaro’s opponent was in Dilma Rouseff’s inner circle and there is no way Fernando Haddad would change the direction that Brazil is headed to. Since Brazil was already in it’s worst possible condition, any change would be better than the status quo. That is what Jair Bolsonaro was willing to offer.



A great number of Brazilians are unsatisfied with our politics. They don’t trust them and feel they only care about themselves. People are fed up, in search of a person that can change things around.

Bolsonaro is gaining lots of support of those types of people. Usually, irrational people that wishes an awful candidate, but regardless they feel is better than the current ones.

We also have to consider that despite terrible ideas and political views, Bolsonaro has supporters. Hitler had, why not Bolsonaro?!




There is a very popular Latin American meme, perhaps as old as Latin American politics itself, which goes more or less like this:

Vote for the whores, because voting for their sons didn’t work!

This is generally meant to be a well-spirited joke.

Sadly, some Brazilians overreact and take things too literally sometimes.










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