What do Brazilians think of Jair Bolsonaro?
작성자 : 임두빈 작성일 : 2020-12-30 13:51:24 조회수 : 965
원문링크 : https://www.quora.com/What-do-Brazilians-think-of-Jair-Bolsonaro

Lots of ridiculous irrational answer filled with “HALF TRUES” around here.

The military government left Brazil in scrambles with a hyper-inflation that make the living almost impossible.

Brazil had 8 years of leftist government that make things a lot better, but far away from the ideal. So the radical left comes promising that magically will fix everything.

After 13 years the president was impeached for incompetence. They even tried to turn Brazil in a communist country, but are to incompetent for that.
They ruined the country, a lot of scandals from corrupt politicians exploded one after another, even with them in power and a harsh censorship they ended in jail.
Like I said, they are too incompetent.

The last straw was Venezuela that followed the plans the Brazilian government want to impose and the population ended eating garbage,
Venezuela was a very prosperous country and the Brazilian government always presented as our ideal to follow.
Now people are terrified with the idea to became another venezuela.

The far-left was a total failure.
The government was a disaster and the politicians who claimed to be saviours revealed to be criminals.

Right now Brazil is one of most violent country in the world. From each 100 violent deaths in the planet 11 happens in Brazil. The own Bolsonaro was stabbed in front of everybody.

Deluded and desperate the population want the most radical opposition as possible and the person closer to be a right wing candidate that was already revolted and badmouthing the status quo, was Jair Bolsonaro.

The man has support from the majority of the population who see him as the only difference and the only one saying the same thing the population says,

Now they make a lot of ridiculous accusations, saying that he is a far left fascist that want to kill and torture people.

Funny that our last president Dilma is a convict ex terrorist that blow car, assaulted banks, kidnapped and shoot people without any remorse and proudly supported the films and tv shows showing her crimes.



Well, I am American with a Wife from Bahia. I have kept up with the general, “feel” of Brazil and Brazilian Political/Corporate/Foriegn Lobby “Jehtinho” Pay to play corruption” for nearly 30 years. Bolsonaro is unique and like us all evolving. Comparisons to Trump are made by many and have some merit, but there are big differences. Trump - Rich, International Business Man, and Patriot - America First. Bolsonaro - Police - Military - Favellas of Rio. Drug Enforcement. Basically being Police in Rio is like being in a war zone, Chicago times 20. Probably similar to Trump but maybe even more Bolsonaro has gone through an evolution both in character and rhetoric, especially after the assassination attempt. He is walking back some of the anti-gay and other rhetoric. The Socialist/Communist/We Love One World Obama “Keep the Wind”, Impeached Gay Lover of Hillary Clinton, Rousseff and Daddy Lula, I am educated and you are not folks obviously oppose Bolsonaro. Yet, it appears some of his ideas are catching on, regardless of his rough posture. Brazilians are sick of corruption. Many are sick of Brazil being sold to the World by corrupt politicians. If Bolsonaro wins he will have to have more moderate support for social issues which will tame him on those issues, drugs and criminal trafficking will go down which will make him more popular amongst people and less popular amongst social activists. Because of one characteristic he has in common with Trump, Patriotism, he may put a dent in the ongoing corruption. Brazilians already, in general, have a higher level of Patriotism than Americans, so if Bolsonaro wins and focuses on economy, better trade deals, and infrastructure, Brazil may be a Nation on the rise. None of us are seers but we all think we have ears.


Bolsonaro’s supporters are mostly young. He has some good ideas and many of them compatible with mine. He is not the ideal candidate for a presidential post, but among today's politicians, it's who I have the most respect for and whom I will probably vote for in the 2018 elections.

He is a guy who values the Brazilian family, the good old customs and God. He supports the return of the death penalty, the de-bureaucratisation of the acquisition of firearms by civilians and will either end or reduce many of the benefits that low-income people have on the premise that such benefits make them lazy.

He has some criticisms that go against human rights, whether police officers should kill or not criminals, whether children in school should have sex education or discuss gender ideologies. He claims that our minerals are being sold for extremely low prices when many of them only exist or exist in larger quantities in Brazil and we who should be dictating the prices, that Brazil is very loose with immigrants and that our borders are wide open and many other things.

Because of several statements he makes, many are suing him for racism, xenophobia, homophobia and apology for rape, but I am sure he was acquitted of all, otherwise he would already be in jail.

One of his weaknesses is enormous empathy for Jews and Israel, when he is actually Roman Catholic, any resemblance to any other president in the world is mere coincidence, with that I begin to suspect him, especially when he held the flag of Israel at a parade, for me that was a disrespectful act. I'm just not sympathetic with Israel or Jews at all.


Although I’m done with this subject (speaking about this stupid men), I decided to share my point of view in regard to this:

Basically, as far as I can see and live this situation, I think there is a rather homogenous 50/50 political divergence in our society (that is, half of the population support Bolsonaro and half of the population strongly doesn’t).

Supporters always make incredible excuses for every single dumb thing he does or says or for every negative political fact (recently judge Moro leaving the Ministry of Justice, for example). And they do so in a very aggressive and in a way - which resembles to a “fairy tale” (not to say a “nightmare”) - that would basically and easily explain everything to make them support Bolsonaro even more. In Brazil the figure of the president is very strong, as if he was a kind of king of a democratic republic. There is a sort of admiration and appreciation for his image and gestures… I wouldn’t be surprised if they reclaimed to see Bolsonaro’s face on the money bills, just as Queen Elizabeth in the UK. LOL.

It’s unbelievable to the eyes of the other side of the population… (me included) So let’s talk about them (/us)…

The non-supporters are strongly against every single act of the president and aware - as are all serious and respected international media and leaders - of the fact that he is so unprepared to be a president. He loves to say that “he (is the one who) commands (Brazil)”, while we know that, in Brazil, it is the legislative power which really commands the country in general. Bolsonaro seems to be living his own dream (which he doesn’t know when will end, so he is profiting from it while he can), and he takes advantadge from the strong opposition of the media (and of his presence on the news) to “make politics” (propaganda), because what he wants is to be seen even more dumb and stupid just like their supporters are supposed to like him. He wants to win the elections in 2022 if he makes it by then, which I think he isn’t going to - if he does, people who vote for him, will vote for the stupid-dumb Bolsonaro, not for a different version of him. I think sooner or later there will be a sort of impeachment, that’s my vision of hope... As far as the Covid-19 situation in Brazil is concerned, he is against everything the scientists, doctors and world leaders say. One just cannot believe it sometimes. “Oh, it’s just a little flu”… Over 100 thousand cases, says a journalist, he replies “So what?”… He also likes to say that the army is on his side, while there were numerous times that the armed forces spokesmen has criticized some of his messes.

The once strong left-wing party PT, which “governed” Brazil for over 15 years and I believe, sorry Bolsominions (how we call Bolsonaro’s supporters), changed Brazil for such a better country despite being in the middle of a big controversial corruption scandal. Why has this scandal came out of the shadows? Because PT itself was the one which started to investigate it and wanted to eradicate corruption schemes. There might have been PT politicians tied up to corruption? Yes! But it has been revealed clearly that the right-wing had also a lot of corruption going on behind its scenes. And now it has been slowly revealed that Bolsonaro’s family may be involved in a big corruption scandal too… Anyway, why am I saying all this? PT nowadays is so “quiet”, no one hears anything about it… And Bolsonaro’s supporters have as the primary-of-all excuses that “PT is to blame for all the problems Brazil is facing”. They would be capable to say that PT is responsible for the Covid-19 crisis in Brazil right now. LOL. They aren’t just able to think you know?

So… I just can’t stop wondering: when will people who support the president finally realize what Bolsonaro really represent? Aren’t they tired of just sticking to their stubbornness? How much more bad things must happen for them to wake up? Do I still have hope? I don’t know. It’s a tough time.


One of the most dangerous politicians in Brazil, right wingers are so blind because the of the corrupt left(as if the right wing politicians in Brazil weren't corrupt too *sigh*) that they're considering voting for the Brazilian Hitler.

The guy is only popular because of his controversial conservative views, edgy teenagers love him, but anyone with a brain knows he's a clown(sorry for the clowns out there).

The guy has been a congressman for almost 30 years and has not approved one significant law yet, the only thing he did in all these years was get richer and put his family inside the congress with him.

Some Brazilians say they're only voting for him because of the lack of good options, but we do have some better candidates out there, like João Amôedo for example and honestly I consider Bolsonaro to be among the worst options along side Lula.

The guy is despicable and a jerk, his supporters are totally blind, one thing is for sure, I'm not voting for him, I'm almost considering moving if he gets elected to be honest, I don't want to live in a country with a Hitler as the president.



Well… Jair Bolsonaro nowadays can be included in a selected group of no-corrupt politics (we believe in it as at begin of 2000 we believe in Lula).

I believe he has many point of view about economics and social life in Brazil that are in according to most of citizens.

I am 100% sure he does not wait two seconds to think before talk when he is upset. And it is not good. For example, once he said something like: “you dont deserve be raped, I would not rape you”. In this case he was upset answering to a Congress woman that accused him to be against women rights or something like that. First of all he shoul not provoke another congress colleague, but if she need an offense he should be smart to tell she is ugly, unloved or etc. But Bolsonaro react bad in this cases.

About his opinions against LGBT, I am not sure about how much impact he could be over the rights of these ones. The main Bolsaro’s attack in this direction was the Gay Content distributed in schools, where very young kids should learn usind bad material about homosexuality. This material was not welcome by majority of parents that saw it because they felt that government was trying to bypass home/family education.

So… Summarizing… There are people that love and support him, other one hates him. In my opinion, I have a feeling, research institutes under estimate the intention of vote on him.

If Bolsonaro have the same Marketing consultants used by Lula and Dilma, he probably would be in good shape to became president.


I as a Brazilian citizen think he has very controversial opinions many times, other times it is to call attention. But above all he speaks is true.

Keep in mind that he is one of the few politicians in Brazil who is not corrupt and is not involved with misconduct in the Brazilian congress, we can say with these parallels that he is the "Brazilian trump". A person outside the Brazilian establishment (our establishment also includes the media).

13 years of power of a social-democratic a party that managed to raise (which had existed for a long time) our levels of corruption, that implemented a gun control rejected by 2/3 of the Brazilian electorate and that therefore 50,000 people die all Years of our country by bandits "in which we were not told that our country has an gun control" (Proibição da venda de armas é rejeitada por dois terços

) (Oito anos do Referendo que disse NÃO ao desarmamento) (Em 2005, 63% dos brasileiros votam em referendo a favor do comércio de armas), a party that raised taxes making it unsustainable to live in Brazil (GOVERNO LULA PUNE QUEM TEM SUCESSO NO BRASIL) (Todos falam o mesmo: subiu a carga tributária sobre as empresas. Todos, menos os números... - TIJOLAÇO | “A política, sem polêmica, é a arma das elites.”) (Carga tributária bate recorde no governo Lula) (Impostos no Brasil estão entre os mais altos do mundo), And who has one of the worst tax returns in the world (De 30 nações, Brasil oferece o menor retorno dos impostos ao cidadão) (Pelo 5º ano, Brasil é último em ranking sobre retorno dos impostos) (Brasil fica na lanterna em ranking de retorno dos impostos), which implemented a Marxism that managed to reduce and degrade our universities (AntesDepoisDaFederal (@antesdepoisfede) | Twitter) (Sexta-Feira passada - 27/01 - Milo... - Antes e Depois Da Federal

). He fights it. That's why he's a danger to this group!

"In times of universal deception, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act" George Orwell





I personally agree with most of his ideas and I do plan on voting for him on the next election. I support his ideas on harsher penalties and death penalty. I also noticed most (not all, MOST) of his criticism from left wingers is mere overreaction. They take jokes and sarcasm the wrong way and distort many things he says. I do admit he a lot of the time is impulsive and speaks nonsense, but I do agree with many of his ideas. The justice system must improve and so far he’s the best chance we’ve got.

I find it ironic how so many people say they hate rapists, murderers, etc and want them dead but when actually given the chance to make such a thing possible they back down.

I also find it ironic how so many of the people that hate him for being a “homophobe,” “bigot,” etc idolize Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

Before anyone else accuses him of being the “Brazilian Hitler,” lemme tell you something:

Hitler was form the National SOCIALIST Workers’ Party, Bolsonaro hates socialism. Hitler hated Jews, Bolsonaro supports Israel. Hitler wanted to eliminate inferior races, Bolsonaro says everyone is equal before the law. Hitler considered Christianity a waste of time, Bolsonaro is a Christian. Hitler disarmed the population, Bolsonaro wants to arm it.

I’ve personally read at least 3 books on Hitler and aside from he fact both are men and wear their hair in a similar way, I’ve found little to no similarities between the two.


As a gay man, I have a lot to lose in the 2018 presidential election. I honestly fear for my life should Bolsonaro win. He will promote such a frenzy of hatred that I will have to leave Brazil and do what I can to take several friends with me for our own protection.

He is a vile hateful man who represents all the worst things about the human condition. You should note that his supporters (as in another answer) say things like “I don't have much sympathy for jews”. This is one instance where Godwin’s law doesn't apply.

Jair Bolsonaro is the Brazilian Hitler.


Anybody who says with absolute conviction that Bolsonaro is a hateful racist and misogynistic jerk should not be taken too seriously, and these people surely don’t represent the opinion of all or even most Brazilians.

If you ask me, I’d say Bolsonaro is a highly controversial figure. He is beloved by the right wing and hated by the left wing. He is a conservative, Christian, anti-abortion and anti-drougs right wing politician. He openly supports the Brazilian military dictatorship, but not because he hates freedom of speech. He just hates communists to a degree of insanity, and our dictatorship killed lots of communists.

And if you ask me again, I would vote for him for president in 2018, because all other possible options are worse than him. In my opinion, of course.



Hes a good heart man and is doing everything for his country and something that almost makes me cry is that one of his main reasons he makes so much effort is because he loves very much his daughter and has faith for Brazilian people. But not everything is so great, hes an explosive person sometimes and has an almost right exremist ideology, what contradicts himself from 20 years ago. For now hes the last hope for Brazil since the other candidates that might win are all from the left, if he loses it, u can say goodbye to Brazil. U can feel the need for bolsonaro in Brazil like you can feel the need for trump in America X 20.


He is a bad character person and seems to have some psiquiatric disorder, cause he has dificult to speak correctly and look like being forgetful. His son is involved with organized crime in Rio -the infamous “militias” made of bad cops and other criminals. Actually, he is a puppet of some groups and use massive fake news and a kind of staff to spread his crazy ideas and false news and often to offend people that do not agree with his madness including politicians, judges and other public persons. They call every Bolsonaro counter as “communists” , “son of ..,; f .. them” and other foul-mouthed expressions. Check out BBC News - Jair Bolsonaro - BBC News

Todays most of Brazilians see him like a Trump’s poor cousin.



Is Jair Bolsonaro a good president?

Nick Springer, Black Listed (2017-present)Answered 15m agoLet’s see:he is anti drugs, right?Airman bringing Brazil’s president to G20 summit busted with 79 pounds of cocaine

he is anti corruption,right?https://theintercept.com/2018/12...he is anti crime, right?Michelle Bolsonaro's Uncle Arrested, Accused of Being Part of Militia Group | The Rio TimesVideo: As Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Prepares to Meet Donald Trump, His Family’s Close Ties to Notorious Paramilitary Gangs Draw Scrutiny and OutrageBolsonaro’s son tied to Marielle Franco’s alleged killer - Il manifesto globalhe is anti corruption, right?Report: Anti-Graft Prosecutors Conspired Against LulaBrazil’s Chief Prosecutor, Deltan Dallagnol, Lied When He Denied Leaking to the Press, Secret Chats RevealIn Secret Chats, Brazil’s Chief Corruption Prosecutor Worried That Bolsonaro’s Justice Minister Would Protect President’s Son From ScandalsHe isn’t a cia puppet, right?jBrazil's far-right president visited the CIA on his first US visit, and his son revealed it in a tweetWe have elected the mafia into power in Brazil! At the services of the American multinationals,cia,fbi,doj and the White House!GOP Lobbyists Help Brazil Recruit U.S. Companies to Exploit the Amazon





It depends on which Brazilians you're referring to… A few of them reject a president that says things like “I prefer a son of mine to die in an accident than be gay”, or “I just don't rape you because you don't deserve it" (he said that to a female politician because, according to him, “she is too ugly"), or “she must leave office, either with a heart attack or with cancer” (he was talking about Brazil's former president Dilma Rousseff), or “Brazilian military dictatorship should have killed 30,000 more people", or “I'm in favour of torture", or “the president Fernando Henrique should be shot" (Fernando Henrique is another former president of Brazil), or “If I see two gay men kissing, I'll beat them up”… Sorry for the short list, this is not even 10% of all the horrible things he said and keeps saying every day. But yeah, unfortunately there are many Brazilians who support this guy and agree to everything he says…

And remember, you don't have to trust everything I'm saying here blindly (in fact, you should never blindly trust what someone says lol). If you're interested, just do a quick Google search to see if everything is true. Political polarization in Brazil is very extreme today, so you can never trust what someone says, because they are probably trying to influence you. That’s why I’m encouraging you to do it yourself.

In conclusion, Brazil is going through dark times, with the trivialization of racism, homophobia, prejudice, and everything bad that can be imagined. That happy, peaceful, understanding and open-minded Brazilian people is no more.



This is facts, with no policy, right or left, and no opinion applied:

- He released more than a hundred types of pesticides.

- He ended up with several forest reserves and wants to end the indigenous ones.

- Decreases traffic safety standards.

- Got involved in drug trafficking.

-He supported Trump against Iran (and in almost everything).

Well, I just see bad things.

On my opinion, the only good thing that he did was ended with ”daylight saving time”, that’s make me wake up one hour early, and it’s not effective anymore. And also, have people that didn't like it.

Sorry for my bad english. Bye.













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