As a Brazilian, can you name 5 things you love about your country?
작성자 : 임두빈 작성일 : 2020-12-30 13:32:00 조회수 : 899
언어 : 포르투갈어
원문링크 :

I have lived abroad, but decided that despite all sorts of local problems here, Brazil is my place. But, why?

  • Weather. I know how a winter of minus 20o Celsius is, lived that (done that, bought a shirt!): nice to visit, but not to live in. Where I live in Brazil is about 300 days of sun per year, with nice and slightly hot temperatures. There are ficus and other fruit farms at a walking distance, I can go to the beach in the winter… or even mountains and “enjoy” a bit of cold, all in less than a 3 hours drive. See Sergio Diniz's answer to Does Brazil have winter?

Image: Viajei Bonito - Dez cidades onde é possível ver neve no Brasil - Viajei Bonito

Image: Receitas Nestlé

Mini Feijoada

And this is “just” the Amazon… Despite being the most known biome, there are also many biomes here, some even richer than the Amazon in number of species, like the Atlantic Rainforest, kind of my “extended yard”, and the Cerrado, with over 800 plant species, see Sergio Diniz's answer to Are savannahs grasslands?

  • People. This can be a big controversy, there are lot’s of contrasts. There is a lot of criminality and corruption, sure, and the population is also to be blamed for that. Average Brazilians are too passive to fight for themselves, thus these issues have grown along the time. Brazilians are sometimes too tolerant on deviations, if not supporting them by their silence. But by knowing the country from North to South, East to West, I learned that the great majority of the population is made of good working people, although unfortunately mostly uneducated and frequently abused by the local powerful ones. I still believe with some better Education and awareness, this silent majority will make Brazil the best country in the world someday. But I am not naive, at all: I have travelled all around the world, met different people from all corners, and Brazilian are personally nicer than a good portion outside there, specially people from developed countries that trust too much on a material life, with external politeness, but no real care for others, differently from most Brazilians. Brazilian have an unique sense of humor, even when challenged by imminet disgraces, see Sergio Diniz's answer to Do you think Brazilian jiu-jitsu would work on a bear? Not even our closest ancestors, the Portuguese , can undestand that (and then they become another source of local jokes). Brazilians prefer to laught, rather than declaring war, and by doing that we have conquered half of South America… see more at Sergio Diniz's answer to With quite a few countries surrounding it, how did such a large share of the Amazon Rainforest end up under Brazilian jurisdiction?
  • No boredom, at all… Anybody can say a lot of things about Brazil, good and bad stuff. It is a place of contrasts, see Sergio Diniz's answer to What are the downsides of living in Sao Paulo, Brazil? But hardly you will hear “it is a boring place”. For the good and the bad, no boredom. We do not suffer from developed countries’ disease of “lack of purpose”, resulting in high suicides rates in places like Japan and Scandinavia. No, we have a real life, with positives and negatives (sometimes, too many negatives). I wish life could be not as much as a roller coaster here, with more political stability and economic growth, that certainly would help Brazil to fulfill its destiny (see Sergio Diniz's answer to Will Brazil ever be a superpower?). But there is a local saying that sounds more or less like this “Whoever ate the meat must also gnaw the bones.”. Who knows what the future reserves for Brazil, more meat and less bones? I hope so… as Brazil is always the “country of the future”.

I hope you enjoy it.


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