작성자 : 임두빈 작성일 : 2020-12-30 13:26:44 조회수 : 840
언어 : 포르투갈어
원문링크 : https://tribunadejundiai.com.br/gastronomia/arroz-com-ovo-frito-fica-em-30o-lugar-em-ranking-que-elege-melhores-comidas-da-america-do-sul/

In Brazil, the most popular “poverty food” is fried eggs over white rice.

Image: fried egg with white rice [1]

Although it is for sure a natural poverty food, made with the cheapest ingredients possible, it is delicious! Eggs, despite being an important source of protein, are really cheap in Brazil, about US$ 0,10, as the country is one of the largest chicken producers worldwide. But hardly is served as shown above, but normally with some lettuce and tomatoes. Or in slighter better combination, still cheap, with beans (rice and beans are the base of Brazilian daily meals) and even french fries:

Image: Above, a delivery plate: one egg, rice, beans, fries and salad. Sabor da Barra Restaurante - DeliveryOn

1 Ovo Frito: Arroz, Feijão, Fritas e Salada -

I like this a lot myself, but not as well done as in the photos aboves, so I can mix the yolk with the rice, and I would use two eggs. As a kid, I ate a couple of times at a neighbour; the lady used the same pan to also fry bell peppers, delicious!

Although considered a “poverty food”, a lot of upscale people love it, but too many are too embarrassed to admit it. However, a Latin American Contest revealed that rice and fried egg was positioned at a very honorable 30th place [1]. The combination surpassed even the beloved “Brazilian Feijoada”.

It seems that besides Brazil, Argentina, Chile and the Caribbean love this plate.


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