cepal review 101
raul prebisch and the dilemma of development in the globalised world / 7
aldo ferrer
latin america: incorporating environmental factors into the measurement of production efficiency and technical change / 7
daniel sotelsek and leopoldo laborda
economic performance clubs in the americas: 1955-2003 / 39
juan gabriel brida, silvia london and wiston adrian risso
latin america: problems and challenges of infrastructure financing / 59
patricio rozas
reforming the pension reforms: argentina and chile / 83
rafael rofman, eduardo fajnzylber and german herrera
social coordination through public policies: the chilean case / 107
aldo mascareno
chile: interaction between the state and civil society in policies on childhood / 123
carlos andrade and sara arancibia
brazilian municipalities: agglomeration economies and development levels in 1997 and 2007 / 141
eva yamila da silva catela, flavio goncalves and gabriel porcile
the footwear industry in vale do sinos (brazil): competitve adjustment in a labour-intensive sector / 157
achyles barcelos da costa
growth and concentration among the leading business groups in mexico / 193
german alarco and patricia del hierro
guidelines for contributors to depal review 193