작성자 : ABOUT LAKIS 작성일 : 2015-11-17 15:50:54 조회수 : 1,456

IDB Joaquim Tres 국장 방문




- 이름: 호아낌 뜨레스(Joqauim Tres)


- 국적: 스페인 바르셀로나


- 소속: IDB, Integration & Trade Sector


- 직위: Integration & Trade Principal Specialist(국장급)


- 일 시 및 장소:11.24(화), 10:00, 부산외대 글로벌 센터 A506호



Joaquim Tres coordinates the Regional Integration Instruments Group at the IDB’s Integration & Trade Sector. He leads South-South Cooperation (SSC) Initiatives, including the Regional Public Goods Program and SSC with Asia, the integration multi-donor funds and the Trade & Integration Capacity Building Program. He is a co-author of the IDB’s Integration Strategy and provides support to integration strategic initiatives in the region. Joaquim Tres has been involved in economic development for over 20 years, ranging from research, policy-making and management. He worked at UNCTAD’s annual Trade and Development Report and at the Spanish Development Cooperation Agency (AECID) in Peru, and as representative in Mexico, Bolivia, and Guatemala and Belize. He is an MPhil graduate from the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, where he has served as a trustee.

첨부파일 : IDB_BUFS(호아낌)1.docx [11건 다운로드]

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