작성자 : 라키스 작성일 : 2015-03-29 00:02:40 조회수 : 1,695
관련링크 : http://www.befm.or.kr/sub/sub02_01.jsp

3월 25일 18:00-18:10  e-FM news


6. 2015년 미주개발은행(IDB)·미주투자공사(IIC) 연차총회'가 내일부터 29일까지 부산에서 열립니다.
이번 총회에는 중남미 주요국의 장·차관 등 고위관료, 기업인, 국제기구 대표 등 총 3천여명이 참석할 예정이다.
아시아에서 개최된 중남미 관련 행사 중 역대 최대 규모입니다.

Four low-income neighborhoods in Busan will be the beneficiaries of urban regeneration projects.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport has selected four areas in Busan including Yeongdo-gu's Haedoji Village, a refugee camp during the Korean War.

Saha-gu's Gamcheon-dong, a popular artistic hillside area, was also selected.

Reconstruction efforts over the next four years will include housing repairs, expansion of safety and damage prevention mechanisms, and construction of water supply and plumbing systems.

Residents of the areas will also be able to participate in employment workshops and cultural events.  

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