[도시연구][경제] Communication, monetary policy, and financial markets in Mexico
작성자 : 라키스 | 작성일 : 2022-06-29 11:02:47 | 조회수 : 1,073 |
국가 : 멕시코 | 언어 : 영어 | |
출처 : EMERICS | ||
발행일 : 2022-06-14 | ||
원문링크 : https://www.emerics.org:446/researchDetail.es?systemcode=06&mid=a10300000000&brdctsNo=331088&search;_option=&search;_keyword=&search;_researchdivcode=&search;_brdctsdivcode=&search;_year=&search;_month=&search;_tagkeyword=&systemcode=06&search;_region=&se | ||
All modern central banks have moved to a strategy that includes better communication tools, more transparency and accountability. Associated with this trend, in the last few decades the literature has substantially increased. The recent development of intensive computational tools that can transform text into data, provides additional ways to analyse and corroborate the benefits of greater communication and central banks' sentiment. Textual analysis has become itself a source of information and feedback for central banks. |
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