[도시연구][경제] Macro Poverty Outlook for Argentina : April 2022
작성자 : 라키스 | 작성일 : 2022-06-27 10:52:21 | 조회수 : 660 |
국가 : 아르헨티나 | 언어 : 영어 | |
출처 : EMERICS | ||
발행일 : 2022-04-22 | ||
원문링크 : https://www.emerics.org:446/researchDetail.es?systemcode=06&mid=a10300000000&brdctsNo=329508&search_option=ALL&search;_keyword=&search;_researchdivcode=&search;_brdctsdivcode=&search_year=2022&search;_month=&search;_tagkeyword=&systemcode=06&search;_regio | ||
Bolstered by favorable external conditions, Argentina’s economy recovered from the COVID-19 crisis at a fast pace, reaching pre-pandemic activity levels by end-2021. Growth is poised to continue, driven by private consumption and investment. High inflation, tight FX controls will inhibit strong growth in the medium term. Implementing a sound macro-stabilization plan to restore fiscal sustainability, reduce inflation and support FX reserves accumulation will set the basis for broad-based growth, robust job creation and poverty alleviation. This Macro Poverty Outlook presents GDP, debt and fiscal forecasts and examines the implications for critical economic and social concepts such as growth, poverty reduction and macroeconomic stability. |