작성자 : 라키스 작성일 : 2022-06-17 14:17:58 조회수 : 415
국가 : 중남미 언어 : 영어
발행일 : 2022-01-14
원문링크 : https://www.emerics.org:446/researchDetail.es?systemcode=06&mid=a10300000000&brdctsNo=326859&search_option=ALL&search;_keyword=&search;_researchdivcode=&search;_brdctsdivcode=&search_year=2022&search;_month=&search;_tagkeyword=&systemcode=06&search;_regio
When a military leader perceives that the tide of battle is turning against their forces, prudence dictates changing posture to cover emerging vulnerabilities. When a leader assesses that the battle is lost, the imperative shifts to preserving the force and repositioning to most effectively fight another day. The leader may be tempted by the prospect that “if headquarters only gives me another brigade, we can turn this around.” Yet a good commander, upon assessing that such reinforcements are not coming, moves quickly to reposition for another day and a different fight.

Although the outcome is not inevitable, Latin America and the Caribbean are currently on the precipice of a downward spiral into populist authoritarian governments, economic collapse, social unrest, and expanded presence and influence of China across the hemisphere—and it does not look like “the calvary is coming” to turn the situation around. Although those dynamics are just now becoming clear, numerous reinforcing dynamics are driving the strategic environment of the region in a very troubling direction. For the moment, the skies of the region are still mostly clear, but the storm is coming.

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