What do Brazilians think of Pedro II?
작성자 : 임두빈 작성일 : 2020-12-30 13:38:33 조회수 : 963
언어 : 포르투갈어

Unfortunately, Pedro II was the victim of a defamatory campaign by the oligarchy that dethroned him. During his govern, slavery was abolish, sign by his daugther the Pricess Isabel, what created a great dissatisfaction among the oligarcs, supported by the military.

Not much has been taught about him in the schools, even today.

During his reign, Brazil was the number one country in Latin America, but after the coup, Brazil passed by a turbulent period and only recovered after WWII. At least four decades lost. I will reproduce here an extract from Sergio Diniz's answer to What caused most of South America not to develop as well as East Asia and Western Europe?

Brazil was then the main economy of Latin America; its decline came with the Republic (See Economy of the Empire of Brazil - Wikipedia

). By 1889, the Navy had 60 warships including two of the most moderns in the world at that time, Riachuelo and Aquidabã, and by 1889, the navy had 60 warships and was the fifth or sixth most powerful navy in the world (See Imperial Brazilian Navy - Wikipedia).

In summary, he and his government, their contribution to Brazilian industrialization, are significantly under recognized.



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