작성자 : Academy | 작성일 : 2016-07-22 15:12:48 | 조회수 : 2,553 |
주제 : 글로벌 시각에서의 국경 횡단: 인간, 문화 그리고 재화 | ||
개최일 : 2012.06.01~02 | ||
장소 : 계명대 의양관 207호 | ||
주최 : 계명대학교 국경연구소 | ||
언어 : 영어, 스페인어, 한국어 | ||
The 2nd SSK International Conference on Border Studies Border Crossings in Global Perspective: People, Cultures and Goods June 1-2, 2012 Keimyung University Uiyanggwan Room 207
Organized by The Institute of Border Studies, Keimyung University The Institute of Iberoamerican Studies, Busan University of Foreifn Studies Supported by National Research Foundation of Korea 계명대학교 국경연구소 TEL 053)580-5756
June 1, 2012.
5:00-8:00 Welcoming Reception *Closed Session* Opening Remarks by Dr. Sung-Hwan Lee (Director of the Institute of Border Studies, Keimyung University)
June 2, 2012.
9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-12:30 Session on East Asia
Presentation Sung-Hwan Lee (Keimyung University, Korea) "Korean's Perception of the Northern Border Area" Hu Yin (Yanbian University, China) "A Research of Naoto Kan Administration's Territorial Policy" Yeong-Ho Byeon (Tsuru University, Japan) "The Current Status of Anti-Korea Ideas in Japan" Young-Soo Kim (NAHF, Korea) "Territory and Seas of Russia in the Modern History of Korea"
Chair Joon-Young Moon (Pusan National University, Korea)
Discussants Jea-Mok Choi (Yeungnam University, Korea) Ha-Young Yoo (NAHF, Korea) Kyu-Sung Bea (Paichai University, Korea)
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-5:00 Session on the Americas
Presentation Brandt Peterson (Michigan State University, USA) "National Displacements and Oppositional Political Imaginaries: Observations in the Case of El Salvador." Georgina Rojas (CIESAS, Mexico) "The Difficult Path to Integration into the American Mainstream: Mexican Generation 1.5 Migrants Studying in Califonia" Yun-Joo Park (Keimyung University, Korea) "Embedded Borders in korean Media: A Case Study on Korean Media's Coverage of Mexico" Gyoung-Mo Gu (IIAS, BUFS, Korea) "National Development Planning and the Emergence of Border Towns in Paraguay" Kyung-Mi Cha (IIAS, BUFS, Korea) "Refugees in the Colombian Border: A Case Study of Displaced People From Ecuador"
Chair Sang-Hyun Yi (Chonbuk National University, Korea)
Discussants Jin-Sook Choi (UNIST, Korea) Bradley Tatar (UNIST, Korea) Young-Chul Kim (IIAS, BUFS, Korea)
5:00-5:30 Coffee Break
5:50-6:00 Closing Remarks by Dr. Uh-Sung Kim (Director of the Institute of Iberoamerican Studies, BUFS)
6:00-8:00 Dinner |
이전글 | 제30회 중남미지역원 학술대회: 라틴아메리카 사회과학원(FLACSO) 국제공동세미나 |
다음글 | 제42회 중남미지역원 학술대회: HK사업 해외지역 연구소 공동국제학술대회 |