"Chris Zepeda-Millán delivers an instant classic in his book Latino Mass Mobilization, which will serve as the premiere book on Latino social movementmobilization... His approach to research is both diverse across methodsand rigorous... The end result is the most complete account ofimmigration activism that has ever been developed across the socialsciences. Zepeda-Millán provides an in-depth and contextually situatedaccount for where, why, and how the immigration marches of 2006 markedthe dawn of contemporary Latino politics. This book is truly exceptional and its conclusion is clear - anti-immigrant rhetoric, policy andattitudes will not be tolerated by the Latino community. There is nosleeping giant, but instead today there is a woke community engaged inprotest and marches, navigating bilingual media, both old andnew,registering and voting. If you want to understand what is happening in Latino and immigration mobilization today, Zepeda-Millán's bookshould be at the top of your list." -- Matt A. Barreto, co-author of Latino America: How America's Most Dynamic Population is Poised to Transform the Politics of the Nation
"In a stirring account of the organization and impact of theimmigrant rights protest wave, Zepeda-Millán upends our previousunderstandings of Latino politics and forces us rethink the very factors that led to political mobilization and subsequent demobilization... Hisbook advances a powerful and generative analysis of the relationshipbetween race, protest, policy reform, and electoral politics." -- Michael Omi, Department of Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley
"Latino Mass Mobilization is the first book to examine the rise,decline, and impacts of the 2006immigrant rights protest wave, one the largest series of massmobilizations in the nation's history...Zepeda-Millán's book locates a'politics from below,' revealing unprecedented political activism insometimes unlikely places... This is a story of how a group expected to be the least politically engaged and on the margins ofAmerican society can become powerful political actors.Zepeda-Millán meticulously documents how by drawing on local communityresources (like soccer leagues and ethnic media outlets),forming diverse coalitions, and engaging in high-risk activism,immigrants and theirallies stopped a draconian anti-immigrant bill from becoming law, helped elect a U.S. president, and in the process transformed Americanpolitics. Highly original, deftly analyzed, and centering the voices andexperiences of immigrants and their families,Zepeda-Millán's book isboth timely and timeless." -- Vesla Mae Weaver, Departments of Political Science and African American Studies, Yale University
"Combining insights from social movement, racial politics and immigration studies, Zepeda-Millán's book exposes multiple levels of meaning from the2006immigrant rights protest wave, through an examination of keyepisodes of collective action... Though zeroing in on a single moment of time, hisbook reveals lessons for the politics of racialization andimmigrant rights in America today." -- Sidney Tarrow, author of Power in Movement