Sisters at War: Mexican Women's Poetry and the U.S.-Mexican War / CHRISTOPHER CONWAY p3
Indigenismo como ideologia e prática de dominação: Apontamentos teóricos para uma etnografia do indigenismo latino-americano em perspectiva comparada - CRISTHIAN TEÓFILO DA SILVA p16
Deforestación, expansión agropecuaria y dinámica demográfica en el Chaco Seco Argentino durante la década de los noventa / PABLO PAOLASSO, JULIETA KRAPOVICKAS Y NESTOR IGNACIO GASPARRI p35
Re-creating the Favela in O homem que copiava by Jorge Furtado / ARTHUR HUGHES p64
Satisfacción de vida en Costa Rica: Un enfoque de dominios de vida / MARIANO ROJAS Y MAIKOL ELIZONDO-LARA p78
In Search of Tinterillos / MARC BECKER p95
Race and the Critical Trajectory of Espejo de paciencia (1608, 1838) in the Nineteenth Century / CARMEN E. LAMAS p115
Among Sandino's Girlfriends: Carmen Sobalvarro and the Gendered Poetics of a Nationalist Romance / ERIN S. FINZER p137
Researching Race in Chile / JAVIERA BARANDIARÁN p161
Reading Symbolic and Historical Representations in Early Mesoamerica / CAMILA TOWNSEND p177
What's in a Revolution? / JEREMY ADLMAN p187
Development and Democracy in Mexico / JON SHEFNER p196
Paramilitaries and the Economic Origins of Armed Conflict in Colombia / JOHN C. DUGAS p205
Race, Religion, Subjectivity, and Representation / NICOLE VON GERMETEN p214
Translated Abstracts p223
Notes on the Contributors p227
Forthcoming in Volume 47, Number 2 p231