작성자 : 라키스 작성일 : 2011-07-04 14:18:36 조회수 : 2,789

LASAK: Latin American Studies Association of Korea


2011 - Volume 24, Number 1

* Daniel Flemes, Thorsten Wojczewski - Contested Leadership in Comparative Perspective: Power Strategies in South Asia and South America

* María Elena Romero Ortiz - El acercamiento de México a Asia Pacífico. Hcia la firma de un Acuerdo con la República de Corea y un balance del Acuerdo de Asociación Económica con Japón

* Omar Neme Castillo, Ana Lilia Valderrama Santibáñez, Humberto Ríos Bolívar - Technological Determinants of Market Shares of Mexican Manufacturing Exports

* Julie A. Reid - Multiculturalism and Representations of Indigenousness

* Carolina Galvis - El tem del sufrimiento en la obra poética de César Vallejo



2010 - Volume 23, Number 1

* Carolina Galvis Echeverry - Los detectives salvajes de Roberto Bolaño: Entre las vanguardias y el posmodernismo

* Luis Felipe Maldaner - MERCOSUR - Advantages and Disadvantages from the Brazilian Perspective

* Ma. Áurea Valerdi González - Trabajo y bienestar: Una mirada desde los trabajadores del Bajío en México

* Eun-Joong Kim - Human Rights Politics and Alternative Social Movements After Political Democratization

* Keum-Joa Choi - Brazil’s Alternative Social Movement: the Politics of MST’s Autonomy

* Su-Jin Lim - La crisis de la tortilla en México

* Hye-Sun Ko - History and Fiction in Black Flower focused in Mexican History



2010 - Volume 23, Number 2

* Uk-Heon Hong - The Chávez Government’s Petroleum Policies and Economic Development in Venezuela

* Sung-Hyong Rhee - The Obama Administration and Latin America: Retrenched into Cold War Strategy?

* Nam-Sup Lee - FTAA and Alternative Social Movement in Chile: Case of economic NGO movement for Fair Trade

* Jung-Won Kang - Gender Roles and Rural-Urban Divide in the Peruvian Andes: An Analysis of the District of San Marcos

* Saúl Mauricio Rodríguez-Hernández - Relaciones peligrosas: Estados Unidos y su cooperación militar en Colombia, México y Venezuela (1991-2010)

* Germán A. de la Reza - The Divide between New and Old Regionalisms: An Analytical Framework

* Ki-Hyun Kim - Están reivindicando la identidad étnica los indígenas latinoamericanos?

* Young-Hyun Jo - La política y religión en Venezuela: enfocado en la relación entre Hugo Chávez y la Iglesia católica



2010 - Volume 23, Number 3

* Gerardo Angeles Castro, Jonathan Ortiz Galindo - Dos crisis económicas recientes en México: causas y perspectivas

* Chong-Sup Kim - Economic Crisis and Suicide: a Comparative Analysis of Korea and Three Latin American Countries]

* John Hogan, David Doyle - The New Century: Critical Junctures in Privatisation Policy in Brazil and Argentina?

* Jong-Deuk Lee - El desarrollo y los límites en Mexico-Tenochtitlán: la Triple Alianza - ficción y verdad del Imperio Azteca

* Gyoung-Mo Gu - Función del idioma guaraní en formación del estado-nación del Paraguay

* Colin Campbell - From Social Control to Social Instability: US-Mexican Relations in the ‘War on Drugs’(2000-2008)

* Soon-Joo Lee - Liderazgo político de las mujeres en los gobiernos locales de México

* Jun-Han Lee - The Effects of Mid-term Elections in the Dominican Republic



2010 - Volume 23, Number 4

* César Ross - India y América Latina y el Caribe: relaciones económicas durante la Guerra Fría

* Alejandro H. Del Valle - Bienestar, familia y problemas de cuidado en América Latina

* Bradley Tatar - Hombres Bravos, Mujeres Bravas: Gender and Violence in the Mexican Corrido

* Sung-Kwon Cho - Drug Trafficking and Environmental Security: a Colombian Case

* Sang-Hyun Yi - Social Movements and Political Party: the Case of MAS(Movimiento al Socialismo) of Bolivia

* You-Kyoung Kim - The Deinstitutionalization of Party System and the Decay of Democracy in Peru

* Byeong-Sun Song - Drugs, Violence and Sicarios: Colombia in the Movies



2009 - Volume 22, Number 1

* Don-Moon Cho - Presidential Elections and Class Voting in Brazil: With a Special Reference to 2002 and 2006 Presidential Election

* Hee-Moon Jo - Considerations on the Legal Structure of Oil Industry and the Debate over its Reform in Brazil

* Sang-Rae Lim - The Culture and Geography in the Southwest: Mexicaness and Borderness

* Jong­Taick Joo - International Labor Migration and Remittances in Mexico

* Hyung­Nam Noh - The Atoms­For­Peace Program based on Code Green: Focusing on Resource Diplomacy with Spain and Latin America

* Sang-Sub Ha - Cultural Turn of Mobilization Identity:The Unemployed Movement (UM) and its Multiple Ideologies in Argentina

* Byeong-Sun Song - Chambacú, corral de negros: Afrocolombianos y la Guerra de Corea



2009 - Volume 22, Number 2

* Ana Ligia Haro Maza, John Hogan - The Mexican Economic Crisis of 1982 and the Brazilian Economic Crisis of 1999: Critical Junctures in Economic Policy?

* Leslie Wehner - Más Allá de la Lógica Económica: Poder e Instituciones en los TLCs de Chile y México

* Germán Pérez Fernández del Castillo - Movimientos Sociales y Reformas Electorales

* Sam-Gyo Oh - Environmental Politics under Neoliberalism: the State, NGO movement, and Indigenous politics in the development of Camisea Project in Peru.

* Eun-Joong Kim - Venezuela: Rethinking the Democracy and the Role of State.

* Kyeong-Hee - El femisismo mexicano ante la política del aborto: El significado de la despenalización del aborto en la Ciudad de México.

* Dal-Kwan Kim - The Origin, Development and Limit of the Frente Nacional in Colombia: 1947-2009

* Elena Alicia Magaña Franco - El “poema aislado” y la Ruptura Estética y Vital de Carlos Pellicer



2009 - Volume 22, Number 3

* Ki­-Hyun Kim - The Reinforcement of State’s Control in Latin American Oil Industry, Examined in the View of Economic Rationality?

* Sung­Kwon Cho - Searching for a New Relationship between US and Mexico: A Focus on Drug Trafficking

* Yun-Joo Park - The Role of the State in the Community Participation Program in Health: An Experience from Chile

* Tae-­Hwan Ahn - La Correlación entre la modernidad/(de)colonialidad y la interculturalidad

* Tae­-Jin Kang - El pensamiento oriental en las prosas de José Juan Tablada



2009 - Volume 22, Number 4

* Hee-Moon Jo - South-South Diplomacy of Lula Government: Ideal and Reality

* Farhad Hossain, Tonya Knight, Thankom Arun - Financing Low-Income Borrowers in the Caribbean: Experiences from the Barbadian Microfinance Sector

* Jong-Deuk Lee - El canto florido en la poética de Nezahualcóyotl

* Kyung-Jin Cho - Chile’s Debt-of-honor to Tarapacá: A Historical Study on the Relationship between State and Region

* Daniel Noemi Voionmaa - La narrativa latinoamericana en los tiempos post… y después



2008 - Volume 21, Number 1

* Ki-Hyun Kim - La diplomacia energética de Chávez y América Latina

* Chong-Sup Kim, Yeon-Sil Kim - Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth Revisited: Latin America and Developed Countries from a Comparative Perspective

* Gregorio Pérez Arrau - Gestión de Recursos Humanos en el Contexto Social y Cultural Chileno

* Eric Roulet - Los Caciques de Coatlán frente al Cristianismo (Nueva España 1544-1547)

* Young-Chul Kim - Rethinking Gilberto Freyre

* Sang-Kee Song - The Instillation of Andean World into Spanish Federal World System in Guamán Poma's Primer Nueva Crónica y Buen Gobierno

* Byeong-Sun Song - The Korean War in the Puerto Rican Novels

* Astrid Alexander-Bakkerus - Two Colonial Grammars: Tradition and Innovation



2008 - Volume 21, Number 2

* Jun-Han Lee - Characteristics and Effects of Mixed Electoral Cycle in Latin America

* Luis Alberto Buttó - Venezuela 1992: Bases ideológicas de las insurrecciones militares

* Amadu Jacky Kaba - Religion, Immigration and Assimilation: the Hispanic/Latino Population in the United States and the North African/Muslim Population in Europe

* Kyung-Mi Cha - La historia como resistencia, la cultura como recuerdo de la comunidad negra de Palenque de San Basilio

* Hwa-Yeol You - María Izquierdo: Visual culture, Surrealism, Gender

* Adelso Yánez - Acercamiento interdiscursivo al imaginario de la muerte en la narrativa de David Toscana: Narrativa mexicana de principios del siglo XXI



2008 - Volume 21, Number 3

* Sam-Gyo Oh - Environmental NGO Movement in the Brazilian Amazon: Achievements, Limits, and Changing Roles

* Hee-Moon Jo - Brazilian Foreign Trade Diplomacy and Korea

* Kwang-Yoon Lee - O estudo sobre a situação de direitos humanos da criança do adolescente e a questão grave da pobreza na América Latina

* Sang-Hyun Yi - The Political Economy of Privatization of YPF in Argentina

* Yun-Joo Park - Social Actors and Multicultural Social Policy in Chile

* Willy W. Cortez, Mauricio Ramírez Grajeda - Apuntes sobre el Sector Maquilador en México: una revisión crítica de la bibliografía

* Shirlita Africa Espinosa - Sexing the Nation: A Reading of Three Mexican Novels



2008 - Volume 21, Number 4

* Chong-Sup Kim, Jong-Tae Kim - Military Expenditure Tendency and Political Change in Latin America and the Caribbean: Focusing on asymmetric alliance

* Gerardo Angeles-Castro, Areli Romero-Cervantes, Carlos Andrés Pelestor-Franco, Janet García-Romano - Dualismo, Neoclasismo, Crecimiento y Desarrollo en la Ciudad de México

* Young-Hyun Jo - Ideologías y Actividades de los Sacerdotes Bajo los Regímenes Militares: Los casos de la ONIS y de la ASpJ

* Nathanial Gardner - Benita Galeana y el Taller de Gráfica Popular: Ilustraciones, propaganda, y el pasar del tiempo

* Hea-Joo Chung - Analysis and Interpretation of Chichen Itza Chronology Problem

* Seong-Sik Kang - El Anhelo de los Andes en el Mito de Incarrí

* Byeong-Sun Song - The Korean War in Mambrú and Postmodern Historical Novel

* Mario Alonso Arango M. - Imaginarios y Mentalidad Hispánica en El Cielo a Dentelladas



2007 - Volume 20, Number 1

* Woo Tack Kim - The Effect of the Latin American Great Depression: From the Perspective of Political Economy.

* Changho Han, Imho Kang - The Financial Industry of Mexico after the Foreign Currency Crisis and NAFTA

* Soon-Joo Lee - The Significance of First Woman President in Chile and the Leadership of Michelle Barchelet

* Ki-Hyun Kim - The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Politics of Ethnicity in Bolivia

* Suk-Kyun Woo - Un Nosotros diverso: Los Andes del Perú y Derechos Humanos

* Sang-Kee Song - Mesoamerican Cosmology and Representation of Mirror.

* Hwa-Yeol You - Erotic Clay Figures in Peruvian Moche Culture.



2007 - Volume 20, Number 2

* Jae Sung Kwak - Internationalization of Human Rights and Effect of Universal Jurisdiction: a study on 'caso Pinochet'

* Uk-Heon Hong - Chávez's Seizure of Power: Why Did the Electorate Voted for the Leftist Government?

* Kyeong-Hee Kang - Derechos humanos y militarización en Colombia a partir de la posguerra fría

* Suk-Kyun Woo - Estudios subalternos latinoamericanos y los derechos culturales




2007 - Volume 20, Number 3

* Ki-Hyun Kim - Un Análisis Comparativo de las Experiencias de Desarrollo de Corea y América Latina

* Sung-Hyong Rhee - Political Corruption in Mexico: Continuous Malfeasance and Its Implications

* Adrián de León Arias - El Tratado de Libre Comercio en América del Norte y el Crecimiento Económico en las Manufacturas Mexicanas: Una Perspectiva Regional

* Sang-Hyun Yi - The Determinants of the Restructuring of COMIBOL, 1985-2001

* Yun-Joo Park - Constructing New Meanings through Traditional Values : Feminism and the Promotion of Women’s Rights in the Mexican Zapatista Movement

* Jin-Sook Choi - A Study of the Notion of ‘Race' in Latin America: The Case of Guatemala



2007 - Volume 20, Number 4

* Dong-Hoon Yang - Settling the Human Rights Legacy and Democracy in South America: A View of Comparative Politics

* Myung-Goo Kang - Development Strategy of Import Substitution Industrialization in Latin America: Interpretation by Albert O. Hirschman and beyond

* Koo-Byoung Park - Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy and Oil Expropriation in Mexico

* Gabriela Litre - Ganaderos Familiares Gauchos: ¿Una opción hacia la producción sustentable?

* H. C. F. Mansilla - Las dificultades del espíritu crítico-científico

* Jae-Hak Lee - Nation Brand of Spain in South Korea: Past, Present and Future

* Luz Mireya Romero Montaño - Raíces históricas de la toma de posición fatalista en la nueva novela policíaca colombiana



2006 - Volume 19, Number 1 - Special: México -transiciones múltiples y reformas pendientes

* Jorge Alonso - La entrampada Reforma del Estado en México

* Carlos Alba Vega - El TLCAN 10 años después. Balance y perspectivas para México

* Alberto Aziz Nassif - Elecciones y desencanto democrático

* Enrique Valencia Lomelí - La política social de Vicente Fox: contexto histórico y balance

* Juan Manuel Ramírez Sáiz - Organizaciones Cívicas e Información Pública Gubernamental en México:

* Henrique Altemani de Oliveira - Estudos Asiáticos no Brasil: Contexto e Desafios



2006 - Volume 19, Number 2


* Dong-Hoon Yang - Economic Reform and Democracy in the New Democratic Regime: The Cases of Brazil and Argentina

* Koo-Byoung Park - The Trauma of Dirty War: The Disappeared and the Struggle of Madres de Plaza de Mayo in Argentina

* Young-Shil Cho - “The reflective discourses of the intelectuals about the memory of terrorism in Argentine”.

* Se-Gun Kim - La estructura y caraterística de la polítca del pueblo campesino en la época del cambio político de México

* Dal-Kwan Kim - US Foreign Policy to the Dominican Republic: Change and Characteristic



2006 - Volume 19, Number 3

* Donmoon Cho - “Labor relations and labor's alternatives in democratic Chile: left government and labor's dilemma in the neoliberal era.

* Carlos F. Gómez Díaz, Jenny K Rodríguez Ortiz - Four Keys to Chilean Culture: Authoritarianism, Legalism, Fatalism and Compadrazgo

* Nam-Kwon Mun - A Study on the Static Effects of the Korea-Chile Free Trade Agreement

* Jae-Sung Kwak - Combating Corruption and Creating Social Accountability in Argentina: the case of Poder Ciudadano

* Kyeong-Hee Kang - Derechos humanos y democratización en América Latina: enfocando derechos a la libertad en Argentina, Chile y Brasil

* Yoon-Kyung Kim - The Analysis of the idea of the “Revolutionary” Indigenistas on the Indian problem in Mexico: Focused on Manuel Gamio.

* Young-Sun Yun - El fenómeno de Frida Kahlo y el arte feminista



2006 - Volume 19, Number 4

* Chong-Sup Kim - The Effects of China’s Trade Expansion on Mexican Exports

* Luis Ortega - En torno a los Orígenes de La Guerra del Pacífico: Una visión desde la historia económica y social

* Sang-Rae Lim - Migration and Human Rights: The Peruvian Immigrants in Chile

* Dal-Kwan Kim - The Diffusion of Political Corruption in Venezuela: Focusing on the Historical Factor.

* Sung-Hyong Rhee - Inventing the musical nationalism in the Postrevolutionary Mexico

* Jaehak Lee - Language Shift and Maintenance among the Korean Immigrants in Latin America: Comparative Study to the Korean Community in the United States.



2005 - Volume 18, Number 1

* Won-Ho Kim - Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

* Nae-Young Lee - The Department of Political Science

* Kyeong-Hee Kang - The Institute of Peace Studies, Department of Political Science & Diplomacy

* Hang-Seob Kim - Iglesia Catolica Argentina al frente del Reajuste Neoliberal

* Eun-Joong Kim - Globalization, Identity, Multiculturalism

* Keum-Joa Choi - Free Trade and Migration in the era of Globalization : in the case of MERCOSUR

* Alfredo Sanchez M. - La integracion regional de America Latina: sus exitos y fracasos

* Yong-Ho Kim - El discurso de la heterogeneidad en la pintura caribena

* Young-Bok Song - La apertura de la estructura social latinoamericana 1492. Indios inferiores. Europeos superiores.

* Suk-Kyun Woo - Cancion de protesta, espacio y memoria

* Jae-Jung Sim - Du realisme merveilleux a la poetique de la relation Discours des Caraibes - francophones



2005 - Volume 18, Number 2

* Vittorio Corbo - Monetary Policy, Inflation and Economic Activity: The Case of Chile

* John Beverley - El latinoamericanismo despues de "9/11"

* Hwa-Yeol You, Young-Bok Song - The Artistic Value of Remodeling Found in Mexican Ceramics from the Colonial Period to the Present -Talavera-

* Koo-Byoung Park - Between Nunca Mas and Pact of Silence: Argentina's 'Dirty War' on Trial

* Kyung-Hee Kim - Hybrid Aspects of Jamaican Language

* Seon-Uk Kim - La teatralidad y el tema de "Parece mentira"

* Seong-Shik Kang - El caracter de repeticion en las obras de Borges



2005 - Volume 18, Number 3

* Sang-Rae Lim - Nicaraguan Immigrants in Costa Rica: Human Rights & Xenophobia

* Eun Joong Kim - Social Transformation and Movement in Latinamerica

* Hea-Joo Chung - Rethinking about Cultural Human Right of Mayan Aborigine

* Ki-Hyun Kim - Human Rights of Latinamerican Indigenous Peoples: Toward Cultural Diversity

* Jong-Deuk Lee - The Structure of the Ancient Myth in the Chronological Literature of Latin America.

* Sung Chul Suh - América Latina e inmigración coreana : la comunidad coreana en la Argentina y la adaptación de los coreanos en la Argentina

* Min-Hyun Cho - Borges en El librode Kyung-Ah Song



2005 - Volume 18, Number 4

* Uh-Sung Kim - Lengua, cultura y derechos humanos: derechos lingüísticos de los pueblos indígenas en México y Guatemala

* Soon-Joo Lee - Human Rights of Mexican Women: Economic & Social Rights

* Young-Chul Kim - Multiculturalism and Human Rights in Latin America : Human Rights of Black in Brazil

* Jae-Sung Kwak - Human Rights and Neoliberalism in Latin America: A case Study on Socio-Economic Rights in Chile

* Ricardo Antunes - O CARACOL E SUA CONCHA: Ensaio sobre a Nova Morfologia do Trabalho

* Sung-Hyong Rhee - United States' War on Drugs in Colombia: the Perverse Effects of Over-Securitization

* Young-Bok Song - La Revolución de Túpac Amaru: para una sociedad indígena en contra de los extranjeros y las élites

* Kyung-Suk Suh - El análisis de la publicación de los libros sobre América Latina y España en Corea

* Jong-Taick Joo - Indigenous Policy in Mexico and Ethnicity: Relationship between Mestizo and Indígena

* Chang-Min Kim - América Latina y Estados Unidos: relación histórica e imagen literaria



2004 - Volume 17, Number 1

* Jong-Taick Joo - Social Changes and the Development of Protestantism in Mexico

* Nam-Sup Lee - Change of Social Policy and Civil Society in Mexico

* Tae-Jung Kim - Globalizació e identidad latinoamericana

* Eun-Joong Kim - Neoliberalism, Culture, Migration

* Keum-Joa Choi - Free Trade and Migration in the Era of Globalization: in the case of NAFTA

* Nae-Young Lee - Economic Integration of Latin America and Free Trade of the Americas

* Hye-Sung Ko de Corranza - Corea en los libros de la historia del mundo hispáico

* Chong-Wook Park - Estudio de la encuesta realizada para analizar la imagen de Corea y la situació de lost estudios sobre Corea en el mundo hispáico

* Won-Jung Min - Los datos y sobre los estudios coreanos en el mundo hispáico ye la anáisis de la tendencia

* Nam-Kwon Moon - History and Prospect of America's Economic Integration



2004 - Volume 17, Number 2

* Jae-Jung Sim - Discours d'identité et idéologie

* Yong-Ho Kim - El Proceso del cambio del discurso de la identidad en la novela carpenteriana

* Kyung-Hee Kim - Política Lingüística en Puerto Rico

* Se-Gun Kim - La estructura y cambio de la unidad doméstica y las relaciones de parentesco en un pueblo rural de Tepoztlán, Morelos, México

* Ki-Hyun Kim - United States' Foreign Policy Toward Cuba: Changes and Perspectives

* Kyeong-Hee Kang - Política económica neoliberal y estrategias corporativas en México

* Chong-Wook Park, Seung-Kee Kim - Estudio de las perspectivas para promover la infraestructura de los estudios sobre Corea



2004 - Volume 17, Number 3

* Soon-Joo Lee - La Política del gobierno para las mujeres y el movimiento de las mujeres bajo el neoliberalismo en Chile

* Sam-Gyo Oh - Orientations and Dilemmas of the Workers' Party(PT) in power in Brazilian local politics

* Chae-Ho Cheong - A Comparative Study on Colonial Experiences and Independence Movements in Cuba and Puerto Rico

* Dal-Kwan Kim - Cuba's Dilemma: Ideal and Reality

* Jong-Taick Joo - Social Changes and Festivals in Latin America: Guelaguetza and Carnival

* Ho-Joon Yim - Latin American Film Industry in the Age of Globalization: Changes and Prospects

* Hwa-Yeol You - Expresión plástica indígena de la cerámica mexicana por análisis de la técnica

* Gu-Ho Cho - Una interpretación socio-histórica sobre el discurso de aceptación del Premio Nóvel de Literatura por Gabriel García Márquez

* Young-Shil Cho - On the philosophical bases of Zapatista Movement of National Liberation



2004 - Volume 17, Number 4

* Don-Moon Cho - A Study of Neoliberal Economic Policies of Chilean Democratic Governments: Rethinking the 'Myth of Success'

* Nam-Sup Lee - Change of Social Policy and Civil Society in Chile Neoliberal

* Jong-Taick Joo - Social Changes and the Growth of Protestantism in Chile

* Tae-Jung Kim - Ilusión, desilusión y esperanza -La frontera de cristal

* Sang-Rae Lim - Life & Culture in Triple Frontier

* Sung-Chul Suh - América Latina e inmigración coreana : la comunidad coreana en México y la adaptación de los coreanos en México

* Suk-Kyun Woo - Diáspora, ciudadano universal y neoliberalismo -la trilogía de Isabel Allende

* Heon-Deok Yoon - The Change of Brazilian Industrial Policy and SMEs' Promotion Policy with the Advent of Neo- Liberalism

* Won-Ho Kim - The Recycling of Development Models in Latin America?: From Structuralism to Post-Washington Consensus

* Chong-Sup Kim - Globalization and Income Distribution in Latin America - The Cases of Mexico and Argentina

* Byoung-Soo Park - The State's Role, Social Acceptance, and Neoliberal Adjustment in Argentina

* Jae-Sung Kwak - Impact of Foreign direct Investment in Latin America: A comparison between Mexican and Brazilian Automobile Industries

* Byeong-Sun Song - A Poetics of Latin American Testimony and the Problem of the Subaltern

* Dal-Kwan Kim - Central America's Elite: Changes and Characteristic

* Kyung-Hee Kim - The Present Situation of Creole Languages in Caribbean Region and Their Perspective - in the cases of Haiti, Jamaica and Surinam.

* Alberto Aziz Nassif - Notas sobre la democracia mexicana: entre el desencanto y el escándalo



2003 - Volume 16, Number 1

* Adrián Sotelo Valencia - América Latina: Entre la globalización neoliberal y la alternativa de desarrollo humano y social

* Humberto Ríos Bolívar - Capital humano en América Latina y su impacto en el crecimiento económico: estudio empírico 1994-1999

* Nam-Kwon Moon - The 10th Anniversary of NAFTA and the Competitiveness of Korea and Mexico in the USA Market

* Ricardo Antunes - O Brasil no século XXI: A vitória de Lula e os desafios de esquerda social

* Chong-Sup Kim, Kyung-Eun Lee - Regional Trade Agreements and Intra-industry Trade: The Case of Mercosur

* Kye-Woo Lee - An Economic Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Korea's Accession to the Inter-American Development Bank

* Iván Ruiz Ayala - La década de la barbarie: Pesimismo y acronimia en los cuentos de Jorge Ninapayta

* Jong-Soo Lee - Indigenous Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico: Reevaluating Sources and Current Studies

* Seong-Hun Lee - El trauma de tortura y su tratamiento en las obras de 'transición' en Chile

* Hye-Jeong Jeong - Formas honoríficas y actos de habla corteses en el español de México

* Kyung-Suk Suh - El estudio sobre el español llevado a América

* Ki-Sun Chun - Social Situation and Cultural Identity of Hispanics in the USA (included with Suh file above)

* Eun-Kyung Choi - Unmasking the Reality in Rolando Hinojosa

* Ki-Hyun Kim - El cambio político y socioeconómico de Venezuela visto a través del surgimiento y la crisis del gobierno de Hugo Chávez: el fin del excepcionalismo?

* Hae-Joo Chung - La historia de la civilización maya en A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya y Maya: Divine Kings of the Rainforest

* Young-Shil Cho - Punto de vista de Beatriz Sarlo acerca de la cultura postmoderna e el intelectual



2003 - Volume 16, Number 2

* Chon-Sup Kim - Globalization and Income Distribution in Latin America

* Jae-Sung Kwak - Spanish Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America in the 1990s

* Byoung-Soo Park - The State, Societal Acceptability and Neoliberal Adjustment in Mexico

* Don-Moon Cho - Neoliberal Economic Reform and Workers' Living Conditions: Bankrupt Washington Consensus and the 'Transfer of Legitimacy' Effect

* Hang-Seob Kim - Igreja Católica Brasileira diante do Reajuste Neoliberal

* Soon-Joo Lee - La política del gobierno para las mujeres y el moviemiento de las mujeres bajo el neoliberalismo en México

* Sang-Rae Lim - Mexamerica and Chicanos

* Jonathan Hartlyn - Contemporary Latin America: Global Changes and Democratic Disenchantment

* Yoon-Kook Choi - Latin American Digital Economy and Political Themes

* Dong-Hoon Yang - The Problem of Political Corruption and the New Democratic Regime in Brazil: A View of Political Regime

* Jong-Gul Lee, Taek-Dong Yoon - An Evaluation of Growth and Distribution Policy of the Lula Government

* Dal-Kwan Kim - The Reform of Electoral System and Democracy in Mexico: 1964-2000

* Heajoo Chung - Venus en la Civilizacion Maya

* Uh-Sung Kim - Lenguagje e identidad nacional de los argentinos

* Yong-Ho Kim - Los aspectos de la resistencia y de los recuerdos de "la guerra sucia" argentina

* Young-Sung Yun - La funci? de palabras en Octavia Paz- en torno a Blanco-

* Seong-Han Lee - Outcomes and Limitations of Latin American Subaltern Studies



2002 - Volume 15, Number 1

* Jorge Carillo - La Industria de los Televisores en México: Integración y Proveedores Locales en Tijuana

* James Gerber - The Structure of U.S. Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico's Export Processing Industry

* Myung-Hye Kim - Female Maquila Workers and Urban Neighborhood Movement in a Border City of Mexico

* Kathryn Kopinak - Environmental Implications of New Mexican Industrial Investment: The Rise of Asian Origin Maquiladoras as Generators of Hazardous Waste

* Cirila Quintero Ramírez - Relaciones laborales en la maquiladora mexicana

* Jae-Sung Kwak - Prospectus on Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Rainforest

* Kye-Woo Lee - Female Labor Force Participation in Argentina and Korea

* Sang-Rae Lim - La revolución de Zapata: La revolución local, basada en Morelos

* Byoung-Soo Park - Las implicaciones políticas de cambio de régimen en México

* Hye-Sun Ko - Situación sociopolítica postrevolucionaria de México en La muerte de Artemio Cruz

* Yong-Ho Kim - La imagen de Bolívar en la literatura colombiana

* Chong-Yul Park - El factor de nacimiento de la novela testimonial argentina y Rodolfo Walsh



2002 - Volume 15, Number 2

* Jae-Sung Kwak - Cuban Transition to Open Economy: 1990 Onwards

* Ki-Hyun Kim - Dollarisation in Latin America: A Choice for Stabilization

* Byoung-Soo Park - Democratic Transition and Human Rights in Argentina and Chile

* Young-Jo Lee - What Brings a Favorable Negotiated Outcome? Case Study of Brazil's External Debt Rescheduling Negotiations

* Chong-Yul Park - La violencia política en la sociedad argentina a partir del año 1973 y la novelística de Osvaldo Soriano

* Jong-Deuk Lee - La identidad mexicana: comparación entre El perfil del hombre y la cultura en México de Samuel Ramos y El laberinto de la soledad de Octavio Paz

* Ho-Joon Yim - Narrar la nacíon en la sociedad postcolonial: Gutiérrez Alea y el cine nacional cubano

* Kyeong-Hee Kang - Review Essay: Debate conceptual de la globalización/mundialización en América Latina

* Suk-Kyun Woo - Review Essay: Las teorías de la cultura de América Latina: transculturación, cultural híbrida, heterogeneidad



2001 - Volume 14, Number 1

* Barbara Stallings - Growth, Employment and Equity: The Impact of the Economic Reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean

* Lawrence S. Graham - Political and Social Constraints on Economic Restructuring in Latin America

* Hubert Escaith - Free Trade, Regional Integration and the Smaller Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean

* Nae-Young Lee - The Political Economy of Bank Restructuring in Mexico

* Jiang Shixue - Evolution of the Latin American Development Models in the 20th Century: Lessons and Implications for other Developing Countries

* Hyun-Deok Yoon - A Study on the Economic Effects of MERCOSUR

* Taek-Dong Yoon - Socio-economic Inequality in Brazil: An Economist's View

* Ki-Hyun Kim - Origin of the Latin American Currency Crises in the 1990s

* Yong-Ho Kim - Rethinking Colombian Novela Historica in the 1980s: Studies on La Ceniza del Libertador and El General en su Laberinto

* Tae-Jung Kim - Carlos Fuentes and Novela Potencial

* Byoung-Sun Song - Captives and Infidels: Las Cautivas in Argentine Literature

* Young-Sil Cho - A Study on Criollismo in Argentine Literature

* Wang-Mu Yoo - Football and Society in Latin America



2001 - Volume 14, Number 2

* Byong-Kyu Park - Realismo mágico: autoconciencia cultural y topología literaria

* Jeong-Hwan Shin - Los límites del realismo mágico el realismo mágico y lo real maravilloso

* Suk-Kyun Woo - La modernidad del realismo mágico: el establecimiento de la narrativa poscolonial a través de la búsqueda de la autonomía cultural

* Yong-Ho Kim - El realismo mágico en la literatura coreana

* Carlos F. Gómez - Chilean Culture: Entrepeneurs and Workers

* Alfonso Rodríguez - El nuevo pensamiento latinoamericano: desafío para este siglo

* Kaldone G. Nweihed - Bolívar, el del pensamiento universal

* Se-Gun Kim - El manejo de los recursos y la unidad doméstica en el campo agrario de Latín América

* Chong-Sup Kim - Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico after the Currency Crisis

* Kyeong-Hee Kang - A Study on Promoting Political Representation of Mexican Women

* Nam-Sup Lee - The Mexican Revolution and Religion

* Won-Jun Min - La visión histórica de Borges y su escritura

* Gum-Young An - La dictadura militar argentina a partir del año 1976 y la novelística de Mempo Giardinelli

* Byung-Il Choi - El amor infinito a la patria: "El amor en los tiempos del cólera"



2000 - Volume 13, Number 1

* Sang-Ki Song - Aesthetics of Mesoamerica

* Ki-Soon Chun - A Study of New Latin American Cinema (NLAC)

* Young-Shil Cho - The Origin of Tango: Sex and Eroticism from the Slums of Buenos Aires

* Jung-Hwan Shin  Architecture in Latin American Baroque Art

* Jae-Sung Kwak - Capoeira: A Symbol of the Black Movement for Freedom and Equality

* Se-Gun Kim - The Formation of Faith for the Virgen de Guadalupe: Somos los guadalupanos

* Jong-Taek Ju - The Economic Crisis of Mexico and International Labor Migration from Rural Areas

* Kyeong-Hee Kang  The Relations between Government and Business in Mexico

* Kyung-Tae Suh - The Conflict between MERCOSUR and NAFTA in Constructing the FTAA

* Kyung-Suh Kim - Lessons Learned from the Mexican Economic Crisis

* Ki-Hyun Kim - Changes in the Political Economy of Mexico after the Peso Crisis: The Transformation from Authoritarianism to Democracy

* Jung-Min Kim - Researching the 20th Century Puerto Rican Novel

* Chung-Su Kim - A Study of the Epic Poems of Camoes

* Round Table - The Mexican Presidential Election of 2000



2000 - Volume 13, Number 2

* Pablo Pozzi - Neo-liberalism and South American Democracy in the 1990s

* Ki-Hyun Kim - La socialdemocracia latinoamericana en los años 90: el caso de F. H. Cardoso

* Adrián Bonilla - The Andean Security Agenda at the Beginning of the Century

* Andrés Bisso - El antifascismo latinoamericano: uso locales y continentales de un discurso europeo

* Uk-Heon Hong - A Rocky Road to State Reform in Venezuela from 1989 to 1999: Gran Viraje versus Grand Distrust 

* Se-Gun Kim - El sujeto oculto: modernización rural y medio ambiente en un pueblo campesino mexicano

* Jong-Deuk Lee - El mito en Pedro Páramo

* . - Roundtable 2000



1999 - Volume 12, Number 1 - Political and Economic Transformation in Contemporary Latin America

* Hyun-Duk Yoon - The Transformation of Contemporary Latin American Politics and Economy: Promoting Industrial Cooperation between Korea and Brazil in the 21st Century

* Won-Ho Kim - Decentralization and the Fiscal Crisis of Local Governments in Brazil

* Ki-Hyun Kim - The Socioeconomic Impacts of Neoliberalism in Latin America

* Yoon-Kook Choi - Agricultural Policy in Mexico under IMF: Implications for Korean Agriculture 

* Sang-Rae Lim - A Study of the Political Culture of Mexican Camariya 

* Young-Bok Song - The Role and Significance of the Extended Family System in Ancient Mayan Society and Political Regimes 

* Jung-Hwan Shin - Baroque and Neo-Baroque: The Attraction and Disillusion of Modernity 

* Sang-Ki Song - Modernity and Baroque: A Study of Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz, and Rupino Tamayo



1999 - Volume 12, Number 2

* Chong-Sup Kim - Banking Crisis and Currency Crisis: Korea and Mexico - The Role of Capital Market Opening Strategy 

* Won-Ho Kim - A Critique on the Conflicting Evaluations of NAFTA's Effects in Mexico 

* Neantro Saavedra-Rivano - Trade and Foreign Direct Investment between Asia and Latin America 

* José Briceño Ruiz - The Economic Theory of Integration in Central America and the Caribbean: From Autonomy to Open Regionalism 

* Patricio Navia - The History of Constitutional Adjudication in Chile and the State of Constitutional Adjudication in South America 

* Sang-Kee Song - Zona sagrada: Una estrategia de sublimar la vida profana 

* Wang-Moo Yoo - La búsqueda de la liberación en la expresión poética de Trilce



1998 - Volume 11, Number 1 - Special Issue: Mexico and Spain

* Myung-Goo Kang - Urban Social Movement in Mexico: Political Participation and Consolidation of Democracy in Mexico City 

* Jong-Taick Joo - Political Participation in Rural Mexico: Political Behavior and Culture 

* Myung-Hye Kim- The Livelihood of Border Town Workers and their Families in Mexico 

* Yoon-Kook Choi, Gui-Do Song, Nak-Won Choi - Cataluna: Descentralization and Regional Conflict

* Joong-Hyun Shin - Dilemmas of Labor Movement and Democratization in Brazil: The Mesocorporatist Perspective

* Bo-Yung Kim - La significación de la regeneración en el teatro de Galdós: con enfoque La Loca de la Casa



1998 - Volume 11 - Special Issue: Korea and Latin America: A New Departure for the 21st Century

* Woo-Tack Kim - On the Role of Education and Culture in Economic Development: The Comparison of Korea and Latin America

* Won-Ho Kim - Korean-Latin American Relations: Trends and Prospects 

* Sung-Hyong Rhee - Neoliberal Experiences in Latin America: A Reassessment 

* Jae-Sung Kwak - Changing Relationships between Asia and Latin America: Redefining the Pacific Rim 

* Enrique Valencia Lomeli - El efecto dragón y la evaluación de las economías del este asiático 

* Gilmar Masiero - Empresas Coreanas no Brasil: Dificuldades e Impactos da Crise Asiatica



1997 - Volume 10 - Special Issue: Contemporary Brazil Literature and Society in Latin America

* Young-Jo Lee - From National Security Doctrine to Social Security Doctrine: The End of the Cold War and the Ideological Change of the Brazilian Military 

* Jin-Young Chung - Brazilian Political System and Political Instability 

* Sam-Gyo Oh - Democratization and Labor Reform in Brazil: Success and Failure of the Labor Issues in the Making of the Constitution of 1987-1988 

* Sung-Chul Suh - One Hundred Years of Solitude and the Concept of Time in Gabriel García Márquez 

* Hong-Gun Kim - Borges and Buddhism 

* Eun-Joong Kim - Poetry and Revolution: Approach to Octavio Paz's Thought of Modernity 

* Hye-Ran Hong - Military Coup and Historical Literature in Chile: Fernando Alegría's El Paso de los Gansos

* Kyung-Soo Kim - Macroeconomic Performance of Financial Opening: Latin America vs. East Asia 

* Don-Moon Cho - Mexican Revolution and Labor Class



1996 - Volume 9 - Special Issue: Reform and Change in Mexico

* Sung-Hyong Rhee - Limits and Perspectives of Democratic Transition in Mexico 

* Don-Moon Cho - The Formation and Reproduction of the Dual Structure in the Mexican Labor Movement 

* Myung-Goo Kang - Politics of Decentralization Policy in Mexico 

* Sang-Rae Lim - Land Reform in Mexico and El Ejido 

* Dong-Hoon Yang - Democratization and Coping with Authoritarian Legacies: A Comparative Analysis of Brazil and Argentina 

* Nam-Sup Lee - The Change of Social Structure and Social Movement in Puerto Rico and Haiti


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