Brazil's "Balloon Corps": Pride, Desperation, and the Limits of Military Intelligence in the Triple Alliance War. THOMAS WHIGAM 1
Machado de Assis' Esau e Jaco and the Problem of Historial Representation. JOBST WELGE 19
Capitu was more of a Woman than I was a Man: Ambivalence and Sexual Ambiguity in a Television Adaptation of Dom Casmurro. RICARDO SOBREIRA 37
Marques Rebelo, a politica e as letras no Estado Novo. VALERIA PAIVA 54
The teatro de revista in Rio de Janeiro in the 1920s: Transnational Dialogues and Popular Cosmopolitanism. LISA SHAW 73
Resistance or Rreconsiliation? Fernando Gabeiras' O que e isso, companheiro? and the 1979 Amnesty Law. REVECCA ATENCIO 99
When the Glass Slips: Jung, Transmodernism, and Santiago Nazarian's Thomas Schmidt. CHRISTOPHER LEWIS 116
Absence and Presence: The Here and There of Identity in Mia Couto's Terra Sonambula. ARTHUR J. HUGHES 136
Krioulu Interruptions: Local Lisbon Rappers Provoke a Rethingking of Luso and Creole. DEREK PARDUE
An Alternative Healing Paradigm: A Case Study of Spiritual Therapy in Umbanda. EMMA STONE 174